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Services Offered
Booking Inquiries can be made by email at , by telephone on
07909 514599 or via the website

Full Diagnostic Educational Assessment Report (£530)

This includes:


• Consultation with parents, student, and school (if desired) to discuss what issues need to be investigated and the findings

• Educational assessments tailored to meet the needs of the individual

• A full Education diagnostic report with learning profile, recommendations and suggestions for action

• Completion of JCQ Form 8 part 2 

• Analysis of results table with explanation

•  A preliminary outline of results is given directly after the assessment


The final report will be ready in 1 month from the date of the assessment


The full report is released once payment has been made.


Payment can be made by bank transfer or by cheque, made payable to Mark Huggins

Disability Student Allowance (DSA) Diagnostic Assessment Report (£530) 

This Assessment may be more suitable for current university students requiring access to support or students currently applying to university.

 This Includes:

• Consultation with parents, student, and school/university (if desired) to discuss what issues need to be investigated and the findings

• Educational assessments tailored to meet the needs of the individual

•  A full DSA diagnostic report with learning profile, recommendations and suggestions for action

• Completion of JCQ Form 8 part 2 (if required)

• Analysis of results table with explanation

•  A preliminary outline of results is given directly after the assessment


The final report will be ready in 1 month from the date of the assessment


The full report is released once payment has been made.


Payment can be made by bank transfer or by cheque, made payable to Mark Huggins

Assessment for Access Arrangements for Secondary School (Common Entrance, GCSE and A levels) (£175)

This includes:
• Contact and liaison with school – (For students in Year 9 onwards, the JCQ Form 8 part 1 must be filled in and sent from school to me prior to assessment)
• Assessment tests approved by PATOSS
• Completion of Form 8 part 2 (if appropriate)

• NB Some schools may provide this service for free.

They can also decline to apply for Exam Access Arrangements (EAA).

 Your SENDCo, or equivalent member of school/university staff may be qualified to test for EAA – ask at school first!

• Schools will also need to have evidence of need on file
• The decision of whether or not to apply for EAA rests with the school.
• The EAA must reflect the child’s normal way of working (read aloud, having someone read/transcribe).
• Extra time is not always the answer. Some children with SpLDs benefit more from “rest breaks”. Teaching how to use extra time beneficially is vital as it will eat into precious recovery time on days when there is a packed timetable.

Payment can be made by bank transfer or by cheque, made payable to Mark Huggins

Specialist Packages and Services for Schools and Higher Education Providers


Exam Access Arrangement Authorisation for Schools (£95 per student)


• Contact and liaison with school – (JCQ Form 8 part 1 must be filled in and sent from school to me prior to assessment).

• Assessment tests approved by PATOSS

• Completion of JCQ Form 8 part 2

• Table of results and summary of recommended access arrangements for the SENCo

• Schools will also need to have evidence of need on file


The JCQ form 8 and table of results are released once payment has been made.


Cost is based on £95 per child


Payment can be made by bank transfer or by cheque, made payable to Mark Huggins

SEND Consultancy Support for Schools/University/the Workplace (fee to be agreed)

Examples of services offered include:

Advice on supporting students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Reviewing SEND Documentation

Support for School Inspections (OfSTED, ISI, JCQ and CIAE) 

Please contact us if you would like to discuss how I may be able to help you.

Payment can be made by bank transfer or by cheque, made payable to Mark Huggins


Specialist training in support students with SpLDs/ Understanding SpLDs for schools, colleges and university (fee to be agreed)

Please contact me if you would like to discuss how I may be able to help you.

please note that for distances greater than 5 miles from Oxford there is a charge for travel costs at £0.50 per mile



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